And with this final comic from Road Rocket, our guest comic extravaganza comes to a close. Thank you to everyone who submitted comics, and apologies to anyone whose submissions we didn’t use!
Currently, we are working on a major overhaul of the entire site, and while we finish it up and kick the tires we will be taking a short break from producing strips. Our current ETA is near the middle of the month. I will post regular updates on our progress here, so keep checking back for more info!
In Sonic-related news, a fair amount of footage of Sonic the Hedgehog 4 has been leaked on the internet, as well as the soundtrack for the game. The soundtrack is… okay, I guess. I constantly find myself comparing it to the original Genesis games’ music, which in my mind is far superior, and finding Sonic 4 coming up short. While by no means terrible, in my opinion it just doesn’t have that same kick that the original games’ music had.
First of all, I would like to put out an apology to everyone who participated in the Guest Comic Extravaganza, for two things. First, ending it as abruptly as we did, and as early as we did, leaving you all without comic updates as a result. Second, for our lack of communication with the participants, and not letting them know if we would/would not use their comics ahead of time. We dropped the ball, and we’re sorry.
Secondly, ladies and gentlemen, we have a date. On Saturday, expect the site to go down as we upload the brand new Power Rings!
Now as forewarning, when the new site goes live, you will have to update your bookmarks if you’ve bookmarked specific pages or comics on the site, as well as the RSS feed if you subscribe to the comic, because as of Saturday there is a good chance they will not work. I’m trying to make accommodations for existing links, but just in case, this is your advance warning. The forum, however, will be unaffected by this upgrade and will continue to work through the upgrade process.