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The Inevitable End

The Inevitable End published on


Thus ends another continuity piece. Come on, who didn’t see that coming?

Anyway, the holiday season is upon us once more. And you all know what that means. Presents! Or not, as some would suggest. Anyway, as our gift to you, and because we’re lazy, we’re doing something a little different for the month.

Yes, it’s Power Rings presents The Twelve Days of Christmas.

Each update in December, we will post a new piece of our version of the song. So stay tuned for that.

Finally, check the Rants page for a grab bag of ranting by yours truly.

The Victor

The Victor published on


A happy Thanksgiving Day to our readers in the US. If the television commercials I’ve seen are to be believed, it’s a bigger deal for you guys than it is for us. We’d have a special strip for you, but we got our Thanksgiving out of the way back in October and Gear threatened bodily harm when I asked him if he could sprite a turkey.

The Battle

The Battle published on




First off, I apologize on behalf of my compatriots as someone who just doesn’t like watching football.

I would like to take a moment of your time to pay tribute to one of my favourite comedians who passed away last Friday. John Morgan, known in Canada for his role on the Royal Canadian Air Farce, created such great characters as Mike from Canmore, and Jock McBile. Man, why is it so many cool celebrities are dying this year?

Anyway, we have a comic today. And both combatants raise good points. Who will win this battle of the inflamed egoes?!

Cop Out Number 1

Cop Out Number 1 published on


Sorry there’s no funny today, but after arguing with the city where I live to not take my house, I just couldn’t find the right frame of mind. Don’t worry, my computer and I aren’t going away anytime soon, nor am I making any pathetic pleas for donations, it’ll get covered.

On the plus side content-wise I do have a rant about the Sonic comic and it’s coming demise that I wrote about the time the city and I squared things away, so it’s bizarrely funny in a way. You can find it in the Rants section, or click on rant.

Rant. Rant. Rant. Bye!

The Challenge

The Challenge published on


Let’s just hope Sally doesn’t try to touch him, heh heh.

If you ask where I get my ideas from, just remember, I work many hours a day with nobody but the Master Emerald to keep me company. I just don’t like some of the things it’s been telling me lately.


Freedom Fighter Test

Freedom Fighter Test published on


Today’s story is based on a true comic book. No foxes were harmed in the making of this strip. Hedgehogs are another matter.

When we first came up with this idea, we were hoping that the backup story where Amy becomes an official Freedom Fighter might play on the idea that Sally is jealous of anyone who comes between or she percieves as coming between her and Sonic, so she may not be receptive to Amy’s getting closer to Sonic by becoming a Freedom Fighter.

Then we read the story. Way to fumble a perfectly good opportunity and replace it with lesbian innuendo.

Just Look At Those… Backgrounds

Just Look At Those… Backgrounds published on


I didn’t write this comic just so I could get Gear to make a naked Sally sprite. Okay. I didn’t only write it because of that. I wrote this to highlight a point. As a self-confessed Sally fanboy, I have seen the gradual decay of her personality to a point where her rack is the only appreciable aspect of her character. And that’s just plain sad.

At the beginning of the year, when I thought Karl was going to go somewhere with this, I was all excited with the possibility of seeing a different side of her personality. Now, reading the preview for #144, I see all that potential growth going stillborn, and I realize just how pissed off Sonic the Hedgehog makes me sometimes. Because, I’ll let you in on a little-kept secret, I prefer character driven stories. It’s one of the first things people learn in fictional writing. And if you make changes in your charas there’s no possible way you can make your audience accept any back-tracking without some damn good writing to back it up. And I speak from experience here, some goofy time travel plot won’t cut it. That is, if the future comics are about what I think they’re about.

Man, I hope I’m wrong.

Generic The Hedgehog

Generic The Hedgehog published on


Welcome back to us! Yes, after our two week hiatus, we’re finally back. Did ya miss us?

Didn’t think so.

I’ve managed to tweak up the site a bit to make it look just a bit prettier. You’ll note that last Friday’s filler is now posted on the Art page, and that the Art page has a new setup. You will also note that the comments have been changed somewhat, to make it look like we have a cooler news archiving script than we really do. Finally, the forum link has been removed, as it was never really used anyway. Instead, you’ll find an e-mail contact link in its place. What’s next for the future? Possibly a new page appearance, but that’s still in the works. Also, Kamal has vowed to try and post a weekly editorial in the rant page, and we’ll let you know when he actually does. So check back for that.

Anyway, special guest star today, Dan Forden’s head.

This strip of course is my response to bad self insertion characters everywhere. You know who you are. And what’s the moral today? Don’t Do What Generic Hedgehog Does. And if you do, invest in a good kevlar suit.

Power Rings 25: The Phantom Parody

Power Rings 25: The Phantom Parody published on


Well, Kamal said that if he ever had to put a lot of work into one of these things again that we should kill him, so… don’t look under the couch.

Anyway, here it is, our 25th comic spectacular! You can all start uncorking your wine bottles. Just make sure to share some with us.


I’m back from the dead! I have seen the Goddess Aurora–and she is one sexy bitch!

Anyway! 25 comics. Back when we thought of Power Rings, we were all just sitting around G30FF’s basement complaining about the state Sonic the Hedgehog had gotten to. Well, G30FF and I were complaining, Gear and Reject were too busy trying to ignore us. Until we started talking about making a webcomic.

Weíd tried this a couple of years ago, to make a webcomic about a surreal videogame store, but we couldn’t seem to keep our enthusiasm up. With Sonic the Hedgehog however, we knew we wanted to do this right away and that we had to do it in sprite format because we were lazy and believed nothing artistic was involved. You want a Sally sprite? Change a few pixels on an Amy. Easy! Need to layout a panel? Cut and paste charas and BGs. We’re not talking rocket science! So we agreed this would be the way to do it.

Then we actually tried to do it.

Now, at the beginning, I had roughly zero experience with Photoshop, so I’m amazed we could produce anything that resembled a comic. And while we could borrow other people’s hard work, for needing BGs and Knothole charas we quickly found out that most of our ideas had either not been thought of before or maybe just weren’t that popular. To wit, no one had sprite sheets of Sally with her longer hairstyle, no one had Sonic’s parents, and–and we found this one especially perplexing–no one had bothered to sprite huge breasts on Tails! I mean, c’mon! Who doesn’t want to see Tails sport massive knockers?

So, Gear went about remedying this artistic shortfall. And G30FF and Reject started brainstorming concepts. And I went about scripting and laying out the suckers. And after even a small number of strips we realized something: anyone who says making a sprite comic isnít hard obviously doesn’t make one.

It takes Gear half an hour whenever we need a sprite that doesn’t exist. One sprite. For me to pick out the sprites and BGs and set up the text and speech balloons takes me an average of four hours. Then there are the countless hours all four of us spend talking, rejecting, and arguing over which ideas to use.

But we did it. We persevered and we have 25 comics to show for it. And now we want a break!

Itís not that weíre sick of this comic. Not by a long shot! We just need time to digest this experience and work out a few logistical problems. Like how to have this comic running without completely ignoring the other pages. Y’know, like we have been. So weíre still going to have content updates, it just not going to be comics for a week or two.

But you can be sure that when we come back, weíre going to be better, funnier, and more absurd than ever before! Plus you should see what we have lined up for our 50th comic!

G’night everybody!