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He Ate the Red Ones Last

He Ate the Red Ones Last published on


The owner of the voice to whom Sonic referred as Fiest is a 200ft tall magical panda (no, seriously) that we have no intention of spriting right now. Hence, the disembodied voice.

One could make the argument that, as head writer, Ian pretty much does own the universe at this point, and as such has left a large impression on the comic. An extraordinary feat considering his short tenure so far, and the talent he replaced. At the same, however, he seems to be restraining himself, holding back his full might for some reason. We’ve gone though his “housecleaning” phase–trimming the overwhelming cast list–and now we’re into what I call his “realignment” phase–introducing all the elements and rules of Ian’s vision of Sonic’s universe. But I don’t feel we’ve gotten to the good stuff yet. On Sonic’s part in all this, it feels like he stuck in a holding pattern, moving around, letting us see what he thinks of the changes, but not fully participating in the events.

From the looks of things, though, Ian is planting the seeds of his final phase, the “milestone” phase, which, by the way things are moving, will be one cataclysmic event or another that will most likely overshadow the events of the comic well into the 200s. A long introduction to be sure, these three phases. (Part of me wishes he would just hurry up already! ^^;;) But it does seem to indicate Ianóand likewise Mike Pelleritoóis thinking about the long term. At least someone finally is.


Witness the return of Ian Potto!

You know, I had to wonder for a moment how Feist could have possibly needed all the Chaos Emeralds in the universe but seven to recreate the Zone of Silence, especially when past comic lore has shown us that you don’t even need a full Chaos Emerald to create a new Zone (Triple Trouble special). There seemed to be only one logical conclusion: Ian paid him off.

Evil Dictator Laugh

Evil Dictator Laugh published on


And thus we’ve ended another year. We’ll be making a few update around the site but the comics themselves won’t return until Thursday the 11th.

Merry Christmas!


Happy New Year! To anyone who has visited, there’s an update to the Cast page. Now included are Metal Sonic, Blaze, Silver, Fiona, Nicole, The Chaotix, Scourge, and Big.

When You Put It That Way…

When You Put It That Way… published on


Metal: C’mon. Where’s your Christmas spirit?

Sonic: Don’t get me started on that again…

Sorry, I’m so late. Little too much Christmas cheer, if you know what I mean. And if you don’t, that’s BOOZE!!! I’m gonna go sleep it off.

That Old Chilled Cat They Found…

That Old Chilled Cat They Found… published on


Heh, Cream is evil.

Found this, I can’t remember how, but since I almost shit myself laughing, I felt it didn’t really matter. Another Sonic Comic. Great stuff.


Well, we didn’t win in the Sonic Site Awards again. Congrats to the winners, and better luck next year!

Monday’s update is going to be a day late. See you all then!

Settling In

Settling In published on


Now that the gang’s on vacation, let’s see what everyone’s up to, shall we?

First off, we’ve decided that Blaze and Silver will become regular characters. Sonic 360 portrayed them as having a little brother/older sister relationship, but we realized that the game probably didn’t provide the necessary room to explore that issue. So we’re going to rectify that by giving them a REAL brother/sister relationship. He’s obnoxious, she’s pissed.

Bunnie and Antoine, I think, speak for themselves.

And as for Sonic and Sally… I cannot honestly remember the last time Sonic said more than two words to Sally in the last year or so. It’s a wonder he even recognizes her with all the making out he’s been doing with Fiona.


I don’t think Shadow-chan plays charades very well.

Irony Senses

Irony Senses published on


Hang on. It’s December. Where’s the Christmas parody?

…are things you’re prolly asking yourself right now. Rest assured we haven’t forgotten our little tradition, we’re just mixing things up a little. Doing something more original–well as original as we can get using another company’s mascot.

Enjoy! Merry Christmas!


It’s been so long since I’ve heard him called Robuttnik that I almost forgot all about it.


Nothing like the classics. ^_^