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That’s Her Ultimate Plan?

That’s Her Ultimate Plan? published on


I call that an inappropriate use of Chaos powers.

Why does it seem that the only prerequisite for being able to use Chaos Control in the Sonic games is being a hedgehog? Sonic can do it, Shadow can do it, Silver can do it… So Amy with Chaos Control isn’t so far out there, as I see it. After all, she meets the most basic requirement.

And yes, I am aware Lara-Su could do it. But I’m talking about the games right now. Lara-Su opens up an entirely new can of worms.

In other news, vote for us in the Sonic Site Awards!

You Know You Saw This Coming

You Know You Saw This Coming published on


Lara-Su: It’s only one little mistake. I’m sure nobody will notice…

I know what you’re thinking. “Robotnik running towards danger?”

Ha ha. Seriously, though. Almost from the point that we thought up this arc, we knew we couldn’t give up our little Shadow-chan. Thankfully, the response it’s generated on our forum tells us she’s well received. So expect to see her from time to time.


Three new pics on the Art page! Two by Avencri, and one by our own Gear!

What Fourth Wall?

What Fourth Wall? published on


Yeah, I know breaking the fourth wall is a cheap way to make a joke, but this punchline was totally worth it.

Didn’t you get that feeling, playing the final story, that Shadow changed his mind way too fast? For the entire game, there wasn’t even a glimmer of self-doubt and then, BAM, a total 180.

Ah, but then we wouldn’t have seen Super Shadow in all his glory. And surely that was worth ignoring his character development for, right? T_T

(Sorry. I can’t get a comic up in time for Thursday, so I’ll make a doublelength comic on Saturday. Everything will be wrapped up then. Sorta.)


Competition published on


Not to slight Amy, but she has latched onto both Shadow and Silver in her time, thinking each of them was really Sonic. I am left with the inescapable conclusion that Amy’s skirt goes up for anything with quills.

I kid. But seriously, I think Amy needs glasses or something. They could only serve to make her cuter.

And another thing, Amy usually blows up at any female she sees as remotely coming in between her and Sonic, so how come Elise gets off scott free?

Dead Weight

Dead Weight published on


Since this is a game parody, I thought Rouge’s emerald should be blue to be as accurate as possible. But since we tied these events into events from the comic, I thought the emerald should be green to respect that continuity.

These are the kinds of thoughts that make me question my sanity.

Relativity In Action

Relativity In Action published on



For anyone having trouble registering for the new forum, please, make sure you have a valid email address when you register. I have tested everything I can think of with the forum and the email settings all work, so the nearest I can figure is you’re not using valid email accounts. So if you have problems getting activation emails, please make sure your accounts are valid, and if that’s not the problem, contact me and I’ll look into it further. Thank you.

The Ultimate Weapon

The Ultimate Weapon published on


It’s always hard to fit words around Robotnik. I keep forgetting how frickin huge his sprite is. Don’t expect to see the Eggwalker anytime soon.


For those who missed the two announcements on Monday, here they are again:

First, because Kamal has found himself a job that is making new demands on his time, we are moving Power Rings to a Monday-Thursday-Saturday update schedule for the foreseeable future. Sorry if we’ve disappointed anyone!

And second, the forum has moved. All links on the page now point to the new forum, but don’t worry. All the old posts and logins are intact. Just log in to the new forum with your old login and you’re set to go.

See you all on Saturday!

The Awakening

The Awakening published on


OMG! Female Shadow! And she’s NAKED! Alert the media!!

You know, I don’t think King Sonic would need any more concubines, what with every other female in the Sonicverse pretty much throwing themselves at him. But hey, what do I know?

More on Thursday!

Oh, and some important news. The old YaBB script I used for the Power Rings forum was giving me a ton of trouble in the last couple of months. Corrupting threads, dropping members, etc. So finally I changed forums to one that should hopefully be more reliable. The good news is that I was successfully able to migrate all of the old posts, boards, threads, and users to the new script. All the links on the site have been updated to point to the new board. Just log in with your old accounts and you’ll be all set. The old board will remain up for one week, after which point I will be deleting it, so make sure you update your bookmarks before then!


Well, it finally happened. Yours truly has finally landed his ass in a job. And with such a reality comes some unfortunate news. Power Rings will now have to update on a Monday-Thursday-Saturday schedule. Yes, I know this is shocking news, and none of you were prepared for this eventuality. This is just how it has to be. I only hope you’ll continue to visit out of nostalgia for Wednesday and Friday.

A brave new world awaits. (i.e.: We get to miss updates on wholly different days of the week!)

Master Plan

Master Plan published on


Say what you will about Sonic Heroes, but you can’t deny Metal Sonic was a better final boss than Robotnik. Personally, I just liked playing Robot Storm over and over.

As you prolly already know, today’s strip is about just one of things I find wrong about the new Sonic Rivals. The idea that you collect these cards is fine by me. Anything that gives me the possibility of dressing Shadow in pink is a good thing in my book. But to say that they were made with a special camera that Eggman built…I’m just going to sit in the corner and whimper for a while.


You’ve activated my TRAP CARD! Go, MASTER EMERALD!

I haven’t had this much urge to make a Yu-Gi-Oh joke since I played Sonic Shuffle.