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How’d He Get Out?

How’d He Get Out? published on


I’d say Generic’s statements were an exaggeration, but I have heard a few people say Sonic Unleashed was too slow. Yes, during the daytime levels.

Okay, updates have gotten lax around here. But I really think this arc will make up for it. If anyone’s still reading that is… -_-;;

On the Road Againnn…

On the Road Againnn… published on


It started in the Director’s Cut of Sonic Adventure and now it seems to be fully realized: power rings are cash. I don’t think you even got free lives in Sonic Unleashed for collecting the requisite hundred.

And judging by the prices for food in that game, yeah, Sonic just went out of his way for four cents.

Jumping to Conclusions

Jumping to Conclusions published on


Okay, so Robotnik didn’t die in Sonic #200. But he’s an invalid now. Hey, I can’t be right ALL the time!

Today’s comic based VERY loosely on Sonic Universe #3. Omega has finally been introduced to the Archie comic timeline. And I have to admit, the issue was pretty good. The plot involving Gamma felt a little shoehorned, but the story came out pretty good in the end.

And I’ll admit it… the Off Panel page actually got a laugh out of me.

Monday Update:

I am VERY sorry for so many delays. I can’t get hold of Kamal, so it looks like we’re not going to have a strip tonight either. But tune in tomorrow, and we will have at the very least a bit of filler for your patience!

You Know, the Important Parts

You Know, the Important Parts published on


Mmm…SatBK…chock full of SonBlaze goodness. And SonAmy now that I think about it…

Is Sega finally letting Sonic get his playa on?


Sunday Update:

Lots going on IRL, so we’ve been behind on the comic. We’ll have an update on Monday for you all!


Um…Gotcha? published on


So…yeah…we weren’t starting a new arc or anything…

I thought for sure everyone would be saying stuff like how we’ve gone too far or something. Then again, I thought that would happen during the marriage story. Sorry for…getting your hopes up, I guess.


You’re sorry? Are you kidding? If anything, this just shows how much Power Rings has broken our readership. If anything, we push farther after this! Thank you all you lovable weirdos!


Saturday Update:

We’re taking a bit of a break, what with the holiday and the necessity to spend it with family. We’ll return after the holiday with new strips! Happy Easter everyone!

Friday Update:

We’re just waiting on new sprites now. Sorry for the wait!

Side Effects Include…

Side Effects Include… published on


Hi, Hi!

After the last arc, I told the guys we HAD to do this next. ‘Cause that’s what happens when you get married, right? That and I always like the offspring art I see on the internet, so don’t be so sure Sonia’s going to pop out first. This is gonna be so fun! Squee!

This Is Strip No. 420

This Is Strip No. 420 published on


Ha ha…drug culture…

Sonic Universe #2. Ho-lee-crap, was this the best story I’ve seen from Ian since he started his reign.

Quick summation. Shadow contracts some backup from Sonic. Seems a [Dr. Evil quotes]Giant Laser[/Dr. Evil quotes] is poised to obliterate the FFs’ temp camp within Eggman’s borders and half the surrounding city. Yeah, Doc R’s sanity is falling to Fleetway levels over here. So Shads, Blue, and Rouge do some old-timey espionage. Folded into the action are some quick flashbacks to major Dark Story plot points from SA2.

And that’s it. That’s the whole plot. Very few punches are thrown. The usual reams of exposition are nowhere to be found. The dialogue felt totally natural. If not for the Faker and the Bat, I’d almost thought I stumbled into an episode of SatAM.

Ian, for the love of Aurora and all things sacred, keep writing like this! I beseech thee!