What? Department stores don’t keep large cartoonish piles of loot as merchandise? What stores have you been in lately? ^_^
We're in ur fanbase 'shipping ur d00dz
Now if you’re anything like me, you probably read the Sonic Heroes manual and thought “There is no way in hell that Amy is 12”. But then again, I’m pretty sure Rouge isn’t 17 either. Or that Tails isn’t 8. Hell, I find myself in disbelief over most of the ‘official’ character ages. When was the last time you saw a 12 year old with boobs like Amy’s? If SEGA wants to make girls that are stacked, then they shouldn’t patronize us by saying that they’re still under 18.
For those of you who are still confused over who Mean Green is here’s a Wikipedia article that includes most of his information except for a few events from the most recent comics.
The least you need to know is he’s a Sonic from an alternate zone that chose evil over good. Of course, that means they’re both dicks so it’s hard to the difference sometimes.
But is a Sonic copy enough for Amy? Time will tell…
So. Still got that image of Espio and Mighty stuck in your head?
I wonder though, if it’s too strong to say the Sonic hates Shadow. It seems these days that Sonic chara are no longer allowed to hate each other. They all just have friendly rivalries. Even Sonic and Robotnik. (Whew! Almost said “Eggman.” :X D’oh!) Why can’t we get some good old fashioned hate in these games. The guys who made Sonic X know what I’m talking about. ShTH‘s Black Doom was also pretty close, if not for the cartoonish “Let’s-blow-up-the-world” super-villainy.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not looking for Sonic to start busting skulls. I’d just like to see his motivation have more depth than, “I’m bored. Let’s go annoy some god of destruction,” or something.
This to all people trying to register for the Power Rings forum:
I realize some people may have problems with email activation, so I have altered the registration method. Now, in order to register, you just have to enter a validation code. I apologize for the inconvenience, but I want to fight the volume of spam we’ve been getting. If the spam resumes, I shall be reactivating email activation and dealing with issues surrounding it then.
I now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.
Well, as regular as we can get around here at any rate. Sorry, I flaked out today. We’ll be back on track Friday.
Hands up if one of your friends tried to pull this. But, I guess that’s what Mighty gets for trying to show his softer side.
I’d like to leave up the link to The Protection of Sally Acorn website over the weekend. Check it out if you haven’t already. They’re not an anti-anti-Sally site. They just provide counterarguments, since most of her detractors don’t even know who she really is. Definitely worth a look.
So sharp, yet so clueless. Ah, Knuckles. Never change.
Yesterday in our forums one member suggested that Amy should try to use Bunnie–yeah, that way–to get Sonic’s attention. While that would certainly grab attention, and I did consider it for a moment, I have much more twisted plans in mind. But to that forummer I say, seeing your words makes working on this comic worthwhile. I salute you!
In other news, I came across a wonderful community on deviantArt that recently started its own website. One of my long term goals as a Sonic fan is to eliminate the stupid from the fandom. The stupid rivalries, the stupid pride and superiority that so many stupid fans possess these days. And this site really speaks to that part of myself. The Protection of Sally Acorn recognizes that there should be enough room for everyone in the fanbase to exist without trying to eliminate an entire portion of it just so they can feel better about themselves.
As I’ve said, over and over again, I’m an unabashed Sally fan. So when I see Sally snuff art and snuff fics, I admittedly get upset. But when I read comment after comment on those boards about the justification for their hatred, I have to wonder if we’re talking about the same Sally. Then I learn that most of those replying have never seen a SatAM episode or comic issue and I throw up my arms in disbelief.
That’s why The Protection of Sally Acorn is so important. They have nothing against any of the other chara in the Sonic multiverse. All they want to do is cut through the noise and bullshit that’s built up around the anti-Sally issue. That’s why I’d like to urge all Power Rings readers to visit TPOSA and browse through their site and forums. If you’re a SatAM or Archie fan, this is a welcome port in the storm of stupid. If all you know of Sally is what other people have said, this is a great place to at least hear the other side of the argument.
Long live Sally!
Welcome back to Power Rings! Since we were off last week, then technically today counts the first comic of our third year of business.
That right. A week and two years ago, PR produced it’s first comic. Since then, thanks to our affiliates and all you wonderful readers out there, you’ve kept us going for over 200 comics and countless moments of envelope pushing and boundary crossing. Our archive has been viewed over 1.7 million times. Our popularity has quadrupled in the last year. It seems like the worse we treat our cast, the better you like us. (Which suits us just fine. ^_^)
Let’s see how far (read: low) we can go this year!
Beware her evil cleavage!
For those who don’t keep up with the comic, a bit of explanation. For the last couple of years, there have been several relationship problems. The largest of those have been Antoine’s falling out with Bunnie and Sally’s falling out with Sonic.
To resolve one of them Ken Penders took the shortest route possible, i.e. the one that made the least sense, i.e. it was really Antoine’s evil twin. (Gag.)
What surprised me as I picked up this month’s issue is that Ian Flynn, the new guy, seems to planting the seeds meant to straighten out Sonic’s love life. Yes, instead of pulling something out of…thin air…he seems perfectly content to let time and, more importantly, the chara themselves resolve everything.
Hence, Sally’s growing impatience. ^_^