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Making Plot Devices Work For You

Making Plot Devices Work For You published on


Go ahead, buy some rings. See all the expert opinion? Think what it could do for your lives! I mean seriously, how many times have you seen power rings used as a plot device? Any time something huge has to happen or there’s no possible other way for it to work, a ring (or specifically Sonic’s billionth ring) becomes the convenient plot device.

Ah, Lennie. Every time I read his dialogue I think of Cosmo from Fairly Odd Parents.


Existentialism published on


Ah, nothing like negating the impact of righteous indignation with a heavy bout of rampant nescience.


I’ve posted a rant on the Rants page. Otherwise, nothing new to report.

Oh, and don’t be surprised if there’s no update on Monday. All of the authors are busy with schoolwork this weekend. But if we don’t have anything on Monday, we will return on Wednesday.

Who Is That And What Did She Do?

Who Is That And What Did She Do? published on


Hello there, all! I’m the new author character, Tennah! Like what I’ve done with the place? I don’t have much of a role today, but you’ll see more of me real soon! Whoops, G30FF is coming, I’ve gotta get off his computer! Bye!



Graphic Conclusion

Graphic Conclusion published on


If that ending surprised or disturbed you, then our work is done and we can rest knowing we’ve done our part to make the world a dirtier place to live in. And hey, be glad we didn’t have Super Kamal fighting Metal Overlord. Even WE wouldn’t sink that low.

And that does it for the Sonic Heroes arc. Tune in on Monday for a shocking surprise awaiting our intrepid authors!

American Workmanship

American Workmanship published on


I’ve always hated Rail Canyon.

If you think that’s bad you should have seen what happened on Bingo Highway. After tumbling over and over for a few kilometers, well, I hope Robotnik’s eggbots come with a mop attachment. Or probably a hose.


Speaking of which, don’t ask Gear to aim a cannon.