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A Great Idea

A Great Idea published on


Sonic never seems to catch a break, does he?

At least he’s finally being honest about what he wants.

Saturday Update:

I’m sure you all know the routine by now. Couldn’t reach Kamal today so I don’t know what’s going on with the next update. Rest assured we’ll get it up ASAP.

Poor, Forgotten Nack

Poor, Forgotten Nack published on


You know, I’m surprised Nack is forever rumoured to be returning to the Sonic franchise. I would think that after all this time there’d be nobody left who’d remember him let alone clamour for another shot for him. Now Nack’s Sonic Unleashed rumour was very well thought out. But, as G30FF would say, the idea was nowhere near lame enough to have come from Sega.

Actually, forget Nack. I’m surprised people know who chara like Honey the Cat and Tiara Boobowski are, despite them never having official appearances.

You Are Getting Repetitive–I Mean, Sleepy…

You Are Getting Repetitive–I Mean, Sleepy… published on


It’s really the only gripe I have about Ian Flynn’s writing right now. His characterizations are always bang on, and I don’t have to slog through his dialogue unless he’s in full page exposition mode. The only thing I’d really like to be able to do is get through one issue without one chara hitting another through whatever paper thin reasoning has been concocted. At this point, I’d like several issues.

Unless you guys think I’m totally wrong. Has anyone been enjoying the nonstop slugfest?

(Images are StH#194 and PR#237)


Thursday Update:

Kamal has the comic ready, he just needs to get it uploaded. It should be up tonight, and if not it should be up tomorrow morning.

Crossing Swords

Crossing Swords published on


Ha ha ha! Double entendre.

So apart from Sonic, we know that Knuckles and Shadow are both going to be in Sonic and the Black Knight. We know Knuckles has two swords, but what about Shadow? I don’t think they had guns in Arthurian legend…

In other game related news, a new official trailer for Sonic Chronicles has appeared, announcing the game will be out in North America in September. No specific date, just some time in September.

Wild World of Chao, Starring Sonic the Hedgehog

Wild World of Chao, Starring Sonic the Hedgehog published on


What? You thought Chao just absorbed those animal parts?

Monday update: Can’t reach Kamal tonight, so we’ll have at least some filler up on tuesday. Check back then!

Tuesday update: We’ve got something in the works, and it should be done soon.


Pessimism published on


My thoughts about the latest of the latest of Sonic games are looking positive. A few gameplay issues notwithstanding, Sonic and the Secret Rings was enjoyable, and even critics like it. So if Sega says they’ve been able to improve on the formula, I don’t see why that can’t be a good thing.


It’s Sega. ‘Nuff said.

This strip is based in part on true events. I am a cynical, cynical bastard.