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Sonic Effect

Sonic Effect published on


And then Sonic took critical damage from Amy’s +9 Mallet of Doom.

Tails raided his corpse.

And the peasants rejoiced.


Gear has unfortunately come down with something, and so is unable to make us the sprites we need for the next strip. We’ll be uploading some filler by Monday, and hopefully he’ll be up to spriting again soon.

Now Loading…

Now Loading… published on


So Sonic Unleashed is apparently going to have hub worlds again, and force you to chat with NPCs to find the entrances to new stages. Now, I haven’t played it myself, but I’ve seen what happened when Sonic 2006 tried to implement hub worlds. The result was some of the most god awful, unnecessary load times I’ve ever witnessed. I sincerely hope that someone at Sega learned from that mistake, and that Sonic Unleashed will not be plagued by similar problems. It’s got enough problems already, it doesn’t need more of THAT.

And yes, a gratuitous Zelda II joke. I think somewhere along the way, every comic involving video games makes a reference to that line at some point. I guess it was just our time.

We might be late Thursday, so if we are, check back Friday! In the meantime, do check out this new trailer for Sonic Unleashed. It’s got some actual gameplay footage of Sonic the Werehog, and his amazing stretching arms.

Xanatos Roulette

Xanatos Roulette published on


The long-awaited conclusion to this arc. If you’re unsure of what our title means, check out TV Tropes.

Hopefully, it won’t be so long between comics this time.

EDIT: Just saw this and, holy shit is it hilarious: Sonic Unleashed’s Cloverfield trailer. Dunno why Kotaku panned it. Ingrates.


Comic’s in progress, and if it’s not up Monday it’ll be ready Tuesday.

Not Much Worse…

Not Much Worse… published on


For the uninitiated Alicia is the the Queen Mother to Sally and Elias. She is also the wife of Max, the retired King Acorn, who’s seems to be getting so senile, I’m not sure he knows what day of the week it is, let alone whoever may be schtoinking her behind his back.

Plus, another new mascot this week, Shadow-tan!


Kamal’s working on the comic, but it’ll be up later. Not sure where he is with the finished comic, but I’m not feeling well enough to make up some filler. If we don’t update tonight, we’ll have something up wednesday.

‘Apple,’ Meet ‘Tree’

‘Apple,’ Meet ‘Tree’ published on


Seriously. If you’ve been reading us for any length of time, you should have seen this coming. Some of you may be wondering, “why the robotic eye? And what’s with his arm?” Well, the long and short of it is, we figured that if the Bem didn’t restore Jules because the injuries he sustained before being transformed would kill him, then they would selectively de-robotisize Jules, leaving the damaged parts still mechanical.

Any guesses what Jules will do with his newly regained biological parts?

This is a holiday weekend up in Canada, so we’ll be celebrating. So expect the next update to be either late Monday or Tuesday.

Believing His Own Hype

Believing His Own Hype published on


Who are the Bem you may ask? Well once upon a time most of the mobians were roboticized and working for Robotnik. Then they were rescued. Then recaptured. Then re-rescued again. Finally, one of the writers wanted to put that plot point out of it’s misery, so “Poof” went logic and they had aliens fix them. Except Jules. Because apparently his health insurance had expired. I think I made that last part up.

Anywho, another Saturday in may means another trip to Incentive Zone. And today’s pic is Tails-tan! Let’s see if Power Rings can crack the top twenty!


Gear’s birthday is this thursday. To celebrate, he got a PS3. Kamal decided it was the perfect opportunity to get himself Sonic 2006, for some ungodly reason. Between these two events, we don’t have a comic for monday, and will be updating again on thursday. I just hope Kamal survives that long.