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Too Fast for the Naked Eye…

Too Fast for the Naked Eye… published on


I’m sick of hearing about how Sonic is all about speed and attitude. Nobody ever says Sonic has a strong sense of justice, or unwavering loyalty, or even that he can even be intelligent and caring at times. No. It’s just: “SPEEEEEEEEEEED!”

There’s a name for a character with only one defining trait. It’s called a stereotype. And it has to stop.


Kamal hasn’t contacted me yet, so we might not have a comic up Thursday. If we don’t, we’ll be up Saturday instead.

I am Slowly Going Crazy

I am Slowly Going Crazy published on


Okay, okay. This’ll be the last Knuckles-stuck-on-Angel-Island comic we’ll be doing. (For a bit.)

With the release of this month’s issue of Sonic, Matt Herms joins the ranks of Sonic fans who’ve contributed to canon material. A preview is available on Ian Flynn’s messageboard and I have to say, after more than a year of Tracy’s (excellent) work it’s refreshing to see a different Sonic once in a while.

At the same time, the more I see of Mina, the more I’d wish she stay away, but that’s because I’m a prick like that.


We’ll probably miss Saturday’s update, but will have an update ready Sunday or Monday! Can’t get ahold of Kamal.

Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely

Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely published on


I think today’s comic pretty much speaks for itself.

Way to go, Knuckles!


There’s a reason why, when Knuckles started appearing more and more in the games, that Angel Island started to be featured less and less. This is it.

Sorry about the lack of a Saturday update. Kamal had some personal stuff to take care of, so he needs an extra day. We’ll be up Tuesday!

I See Dead People…

I See Dead People… published on


Despite what Ian says, I don’t believe that Locke is “dead” dead, simply because of what has happened to the other Guardians as they have passed on. Knuckles died under similar circumstances and he survived the afterlife with no ill effects (unless you count losing his mind as of issue 184).


Power Rings has two new affiliates! Check the sidebar for their banners. Welcome to Shadowflash and Emerald Coast!


Intimidation published on


So in the latest Archie comic, apparently the Dark Legion joined Eggman, and Dimitri is their new leader. In the comic, he’s come back as essentially a glass ball with dreadlock-tentacles. The first thought in my mind was “Why the hell didn’t Eggman make Dimitri a new body?” Then we remembered what Eggman’s robots usually look like.

Kamal and Gear had a party on Saturday, so they didn’t have time to do the comic. We’ll try to be back Sunday, otherwise we’ll be back Monday!

Knuckles’ Inconvenient Truth

Knuckles’ Inconvenient Truth published on


Well, it took the better part of a year but finally Knuckles’ chara in the comics has been aligned to…a concept Sega has barely mentioned since Sonic Adventure 1.


Kamal again

Had to look after my mother one more day. I’d like to say the comic’ll be up on Wednesday, but then we’ll prolly miss Thursday, so I’m gonna say come back on Thursday.

We’ll get this schedule back on track soon!

Memory Lapse

Memory Lapse published on


Well, we’re back! What better way to start the new year than with some dirty jokes?

I got Sonic Riders Zero Gravity recently. I’ve written my thoughts about it on the forum.

Wow, our first delay of the new year! I think this has to be some kind of record. The comic will be up Monday; we still need some spriting done and Gear has a new PC game to distract him.

The Greatest Gift of All

The Greatest Gift of All published on


Heh. Scourge looks like he’s doing the Carlton Dance.


And so our two weeks of updates comes to a close. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!

We’re going on our annual Christmas break. We’ll be back on January 10th with all new comics, but tune in over the break as we may just have some filler up! See ya!

A Partnership Ends

A Partnership Ends published on


I know everyone makes jokes about Bunnie’s, shall we say, “physical capabilities”. Not even we’re above it.

Far as I’m concerned, she’s biological where it counts. You’re free to disagree with me if you like, though.

Kamal and Gear have both been beset by some problems. So the comic will probably be up Sunday night, but there’s a strong possibility it’ll have to go up on Monday. Sorry for the delay, and we’ll keep you posted!


Every time you try to explain Bunnie’s biology, Shadow kills a kitten. Please think about little Sasha! (No, I will not explain the reference. Look it up.)