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Plan of Action

Plan of Action published on


Of course, the best way to patch up plotholes is to make sure they never happen in the first place. But, oh, well.

Maybe it’s just a limitation of any serialized media. I know the fastest way to write yourself into a corner is to not have a clear idea of where to have your charas end up, a Point “B” they can travel to. But with a beast like Sonic the Hedgehog you can’t have a Point “B.” If you did, the comic would be over.

This doesn’t mean I think the book should end. Just have the writers act as if it was. It would probably get them to tighten up their writing. I mean, look at shows like Enterprise. This season has arguably been the best, and why? Because the writers know they won’t have a chance to work on it again. And I wonder what Archie would do if they imagined themselves in the same position.

And then I usually wind up in fits of laughter. But, oh, well…