Evil Bastard

Evil Bastard published on

G30FF This news comes courtesy of a tip from a fan. You know, it’s one thing to borrow an idea of ours and use it in your sprite comic. But it’s quite another to actually STEAL OUR COMICS AND EDIT YOURSELF IN TO MAKE YOURSELF LOOK LIKE THE AUTHOR. Kamal Well, the offending artist has… Continue reading Evil Bastard

The Gang’s All Here

The Gang’s All Here published on

Kamal Eventful week, eh? Let’s get things back on track… G30FF We had problems with Monday’s script, but we will update on Thursday. I hope. You probably won’t be hearing much from me in the next week or so, as the end of the term is coming and the shit is all hitting the fan… Continue reading The Gang’s All Here


Ultimatum published on

G30FF We updated early?! I know, I’m as surprised as you are. Kamal and Gear got a chance to play Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games. Perhaps one of them will give you their impressions of it soon. On a site-related note, I noticed that TopWebComics has changed how their voting system works, and… Continue reading Ultimatum

Identity Crisis

Identity Crisis published on

Kamal It has come to my attention that in the new Sonic Rivals 2 Metal Sonic receives an upgrade to Metal Sonic v3.0 with a snazzy new paint job. I have tried my best to locate pictures but to date I’ve been unsuccessful. So, I’d like to make a request to any Power Rings fan… Continue reading Identity Crisis

Shady Deals

Shady Deals published on

Kamal Potto: “You see, Sonic? Even when I lose I still win!” So what will happen now that Nicole has control over an entire city? We’ll both have to wait for that answer. This will be the last time we’ll be seeing Ian for a while. We could continue skewering him with out considerable wit,… Continue reading Shady Deals

Nudge Nudge Wink Wink

Nudge Nudge Wink Wink published on

G30FF To quote a friend of ours, “Die Hard: Great Christmas movie, or Greatest Christmas movie?” As our present to you this holiday season, we’re giving you… two weeks of solid updates! That’s right, tune in every day for the next two weeks for daily Power Rings comics!