She Doesn’t Wish to Be too Forward
Kamal At least we now know where Cream learned it from, eh?
We're in ur fanbase 'shipping ur d00dz
Kamal At least we now know where Cream learned it from, eh?
Kamal Upon revelation of a particular line of dialouge in BioWare’s forthcoming Sonic game, the tubes were crammed with apoplectic Amy fans, frothing at the mouth over her use of what they termed as swear words. When did insults become equated with cussing? Maybe it’s just me–I barely consider “ass” something worth getting worked up… Continue reading Mind Your Language
G30FF When one door closes, another door opens. And for Sonic, those doors tend to lead to epic dickery. So what horrible fate is in store for Knuckles now that Sonic has a horrible plan? The answers coming… later, because this arc is done. Ha! You’ll notice we didn’t change Cream back. That’s right, folks,… Continue reading Bait and Switch
Kamal Considering how Sonic and Blaze parted company at the end of Sonic Rush, I was expecting at least a little more emotion at their reunion. Then I remembered who made this game. G30FF A few more Rush Adventure jokes forthcoming. In the meantime, let this confound you for a while.
Kamal He must be the Anti-Sonic, because the blue blur would never bawl his brains out like that. It was revealed on Tuesday in the upcoming Sonic Chronicles that Amy’s finally gotten tired of the fangirl routine and found a new beau. One that doesn’t try to run away. Dare I say, BioWare is making… Continue reading Hey-La, Hey-La…
G30FF Based on the pre-fight cinematics from the final boss battle in Rush Adventure. His is a drill that will PIERCE THE HEAVENS!!
Kamal Seriously; tropical island, great weather, his own statue, no Amy, and Sonic wants to go home? Well, that about it for our SRuA jokes for now. Onward! G30FF Slight delay, but if we don’t have one up Monday night we’ll update Tuesday!
Kamal Yes, after not seeing either of them for years, we’ve decided that Sonic’s parents weren’t getting enough love…rather, make that lovin’, as you can see above. Stay tuned!
Kamal Who are the Bem you may ask? Well once upon a time most of the mobians were roboticized and working for Robotnik. Then they were rescued. Then recaptured. Then re-rescued again. Finally, one of the writers wanted to put that plot point out of it’s misery, so “Poof” went logic and they had aliens… Continue reading Believing His Own Hype
G30FF Seriously. If you’ve been reading us for any length of time, you should have seen this coming. Some of you may be wondering, “why the robotic eye? And what’s with his arm?” Well, the long and short of it is, we figured that if the Bem didn’t restore Jules because the injuries he sustained… Continue reading ‘Apple,’ Meet ‘Tree’