Bad End
G30FF Kamal came down with something, but he managed to get the comic up. Enjoy! To make up for so many missed updates, enjoy a new picture up in the Art section, submitted by Umiyuri Papaeyra!
We're in ur fanbase 'shipping ur d00dz
G30FF Kamal came down with something, but he managed to get the comic up. Enjoy! To make up for so many missed updates, enjoy a new picture up in the Art section, submitted by Umiyuri Papaeyra!
Kamal While regarding the phenomenon of the Sonic Cycle I began to notice another pattern of behaviour within the Sonic community. Namely, as you can see above, take whatever Sega does and dump on it like some furrie mutation of the Comic Book Guy syndrome (or would that be anti-furrie?). And I think they all… Continue reading Everything New Is Old Again
Kamal We always said that the comic would only use characters from games Sonic’s been in. Aren’t loopholes wonderful? Tennah PINGAS!!! G30FF Well, if you can read this then that means the new Power Rings is back online! Update your links, and you’ll have to update the RSS feed if you use that!
Kamal …And did it have anything to do with that minor earthquake? Yes, as we saw here Amy was never let in on Sonic and Sally’s big moment, so a right ol’ walloping was in order. It’s good to be back. Gear Don’t worry, Amy! I’m sure Scourge will help you pick up the pieces of… Continue reading Slow On the Uptake
Kamal So, I don’t know if you heard…but that’s ludicrous. Of course you’ve heard. Unless you actively avoid everything on the internet that has to do with Sonic the Hedgehog you’ve heard about the impending legal showdown between ex-Sonic scribe Ken Penders and Archie. Or Sega. Or Archie and Sega. On Ken Penders’ blog just… Continue reading Shaky Footing
Why I am so angry: Let me give you the list of all the things I find wrong, damaging, or just plain boring with Marvel and DC comics. Characters switching allegiances for the flimsiest of reasons Constant threats, constant attacks, constant fighting, fighting, fighting So-called heroes suddenly turning on each other, usually for an issue or… Continue reading Problem?
Sorry, for the big spoiler in panel 3, but when I saw this post on the forum about events in #223, my soul died a little bit more. Another chara’s pointless death happens off-panel for no good reason and #225 is teasing yet another. I’m at my limit. And how long is “a while” for… Continue reading Priorities, Man, Priorities!
Hello from Kamal. No, I didn’t fall off the island. Ever since the comic went on hiatus, your unfriendly web admin G30FF has been trying to keep all manner of bots and hackers from trying to brute force their way into the WordPress back end. Pretty much constantly. And just recently someone almost made it.… Continue reading Crossposted from Tumblr